High quality and reliable business solutions
We only consider our efforts to be successful when they help our clients succeed.

We take the time to individualize our solutions and work one-on-one with each client to ensure they are getting the proper services to help them truly gain a competitive advantage.

What We Offer for You
IK Technologies differentiates itself from the competition through its commitment to creating success-based partnerships
Microsoft 365 Admin & Support
Best-in-class productivity tools and services, all combined in one seamless experience.
Network Deployment and Support
Providing full support for establishing and handling a multi-platform network
Customized Apps Development
Building software applications for users within a company to meet business requirements.
Web Design & Development
Building and designing websites for all types of business.
Help Desk Support
We take control of users’ desktops and assist them with all kinds of IT related problems.
Point of Sale (POS) by IK Tech
A cloud-based inventory management system for wholesale and retail businesses.
Data Entry
we can provide you with accurate and efficient data entry services that can benefit your business.
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